Monday, February 15, 2010

RE: This Little Plot (1)

My first thought for this blog was "My Little Plot". But as my wife pointed out, this is way too close to My Little Pony, and to avoid mockery, I adapted.

"Plot" is usually taken two ways: a garden, or a story. I intend for it to be about both, and taken literally and figuratively. This (my) plot is both about my garden and my story, as well as about THE garden story that began in Eden (see Genesis 1+2) and ends up in the Garden City (see Revelation 21).

My plot is also "little". This is not to say it is unimportant- all of our plots are important. This is just to say, my plot is simply a "verse" in the grand story (see the post below).

My next post in this category will explain the tag line.